End of Summer 2017
Welcome Dr. Mills
Dr. Maggie Mills joined our staff in June after graduating from the Auburn University College of Veterinary Medicine. She grew up in Frankfort, Kentucky and attended Auburn for both her bachelors and veterinary degrees. During veterinary school she was known as the “crazy cat lady” of her class. She discovered her passion for feline medicine after doing an externship at a cat-only practice in Kentucky. After vet school she decided to make the big move out West to join The Cat Care Clinic team and to pursue her passion for feline medicine. She particularly enjoys feline behavior and cardiology. She plans to become board certified in feline medicine in the future. She also has a special fondness for Sphynx cats and hopes to have one of her own someday! |
Online Pharmacy and Refills
The clinic has joined up with a top national veterinary pharmacy and pet food distributor so that you can get your compounded medications, veterinary prescription diets, and some other medications sent directly to you. You will have the ability to place online orders 24/7. Many online pharmacies do not get their products through approved, ethical channels and authenticity of products is not guaranteed. This is not the case with our partner, Vet’s First Choice (VFC). VFC has purchased several veterinary compounding pharmacies that we previously worked with, so we know that quality and consistency of products is tested and monitored. They have direct relationships with veterinary pharmaceutical and food manufacturers. We are in the process of rolling out this service and are making it our primary provider of compounded drugs. You can also now order prescription/veterinary diets through VFC and have them sent directly to your home. Prices are very competitive with other online vendors for both drugs and products. We believe this service will allow us to streamline refills of medications, improve efficiency of new compounded drug orders, and give you the flexibility and safety you need so that you can order products for your cat at any time that is convenient for you. Please let us know if you are ready to login and use our online store. |
Kittens Everywhere
It is still kitten season and we’re enjoying seeing many new patients. Kittens need special healthcare to get them off to a good start and to protect them for the future. In addition to offering individual services, the clinic offers a “Kitten Package” that brings together the important needs of new kittens at a discounted price. It includes fecal testing for parasites, two rounds of deworming, testing for the Feline Leukemia (FeLV) and Feline Immunodeficiency (FIV) viruses, two exams, and the vaccination series for FRCP (feline rhinotracheitis-calici-panleukopenia viruses) and FeLV, along with a cat care book and other samples and information. Let us help you get your new kitten started with great care. |
Warm Weather Reminders
During sunny, warm days you should never leave your kitty in your car, even if the windows are left partially open. Temperatures heat up quickly inside and can rapidly become dangerous. Fleas love our current weather, so even if your kitty hasn’t had fleas in the past and stays indoors, be on the lookout for signs of fleas: itching, licking, black flecks in the hair coat. You can always use a flea comb to check for fleas. We carry a couple of the newer and more effective products that help eliminate fleas including monthly Activyl, every 3 month Bravecto, and oral Comfortis (if your cat doesn’t tolerate topical/spot-on products). Fleas can carry tapeworms, so we highly recommended deworming too if fleas are seen. |
Helping Cats of the Homeless
Earlier this year, The Cat Care Clinic team helped cats who live with their owners at The Courtyard Homeless Shelter in Santa Ana by doing pro-bono work. We worked with 6 cats–4 needed sterilization surgeries which Doctors Chelsea Kiser and Lan Xiao performed. All of the cats were examined, vaccinated, treated for fleas and internal parasites, and given other treatment if needed. We donated food and flea medication to help support these cats in the future. The value of all services and products was over two thousand dollars, but we wanted these homeless people to be able to care for their companions and improve all of their quality of lives. |
Birthday Boys
Our two clinic cats, Ollie and Zack, recently celebrated birthdays. Ollie had his first birthday, while Zack his fifteenth. Zack doesn’t like being up in the reception area of the clinic so you’re unlikely to see him, but hopefully you will get a chance to meet outgoing Ollie at your next visit.
The Cat Care Clinic
2638 N. Tustin Street, Orange, CA 92865
Phone: 714-282-2287
http://www.catcare.com |