End of Winter 2019
We live in an exciting time for veterinary medicine. There is a wave of new biotech companies focusing on the veterinary market, whereas historically, veterinary drugs were an afterthought. Companies are now in business specifically to develop new compounds, or modify human compounds, for veterinary medicine. As one of the largest feline only practices in the nation, we’ve done our part, through participation in clinical trials, to make new treatments a reality. Clinical trials are a great way to get the most innovative treatments for your cat and to help other cats benefit from the findings in the future. Trial participation is at no cost to owners and includes examinations, diagnostic testing, and treatment for eligible patients. |
Clinical Trials
The clinic is currently enrolling patients in three different clinical trials.Diabetes Mellitus – This study involves newly diagnosed diabetic cats that are exhibiting at least one clinical sign of diabetes such as increased water consumption and urination, weight loss with good appetite, and elevated fasting blood sugar. Patients cannot have any other serious concurrent diseases including pancreatitis. Initial study is 30 days and includes 5 visits but if the patient is doing well there is an option to continue for 180 days.Urine Spraying – This study involves treatment of cats that are spraying vertical surfaces at least 3 times a week and are not currently on any other treatment. The cause of the spraying needs to be determined to be behavioral. Cats must be housed indoors only and there cannot be more than three cats in the household. The study involves 3 visits during a 30 day period.Chronic Kidney Disease – This study involves cats in all stages of chronic kidney disease and monitoring their response to a novel monthly treatment. The hope is to slow the progression of the disease and to improve the associated clinical signs which will lead to improved quality of life. Currently there is no FDA approved therapeutic treatment for CKD in cats. Enrolled patients will visit the clinic 8 times during a 7 month period.Trial participation is completely voluntary and you have the option to withdraw at any time. If you would like to discuss your kitty’s eligibility, please call the clinic at 714-282-2287 and ask to speak to our coordinating technician, Erika Perez, RVT. |
Online Pharmacy
We’re getting lots of positive feedback on our online store available 24/7. If you haven’t taken advantage of this great client service, now is a great time to start!You can order medications, pet products and veterinary diets, and the items are conveniently shipped directly to you. The expanded inventory available on our online store allows us to offer you more choices in products, diets, and sizes. Online prices are different than those in the clinic, and there are also online exclusive sales and promotions.Click here to access the online storeJust a reminder that if you need to refill a prescription and pick it up at the clinic, we do require 24 hour notice. |
Confirm That Your Kitty’s Microchip Is Registered
We have been using AVID microchips to provide identification for your cat, and the clinic keeps a data base of your cat’s microchip number. We were recently informed by AVID that they are no longer tracking where they have sold their chips and therefore, if you have not registered your cat’s chip online or through the mail, he or she cannot be tracked outside of our clinic.To see if a microchip is registered, go to www.petmicrochiplookup.org/ and see if there is contact information listed. If you don’t know the microchip number, call the clinic and we can give it to you.Free lifetime registration is available through https://www.foundanimals.org/microchipregistry/owners/ or through https://avidid.com/pettrac/enrollment for $19.95. Please let us know if you have any questions. |
Do You Have A Nervous Kitty?
ZYLKENE is a once daily, all-natural calming supplement that helps calm cats with mild to moderate anxiety. Derived from casein, a milk protein that promotes calming, ZYLKENE comes as a capsule that can be given orally or broken open and mixed with food. It’s a safe, drug-free product that has no known side effects. It is also a hydrolyzed product, so it is safe for cats with food allergies. It can be used short-term to help cats cope with changes such as moving, a new baby, fireworks, or travel. It can be used as a long term supplement as well! Ask one of our doctors if ZYLKENE may be right for your kitty! ZYLKENE is just one of the products and options we offer for behavior issues in cats. |
Treat Pain and Inflammation Without Drugs
We are proud to offer cold laser therapy for a variety of feline problems. Laser therapy uses infrared laser light to stimulate healing at the cellular level by improving blood flow to the affected area, increasing release of oxygen from red blood cells, and stimulating enzymes that promote tissue healing. It also reduces inflammation and pain in the affected area. Laser therapy is quick and easy to administer with one of our trained veterinary technical staff, and has very few documented side effects. It is a painless procedure—all the patient feels is a gentle warming sensation or mild tingling.We often use the laser to treat conditions such as skin and soft tissue injuries, post-operative incision care, post-dental care, arthritis, and severe feline chin acne. Some patients may be helped with just one treatment while some benefit from repeated treatments over a period of weeks.For more information, you can visit https://k-laser.com/pet-owners/faqs

Savanna Curtis our 2019 Employee of the Year
If you’ve called or visited the clinic during the last four years, there’s a great chance that you’ve had the opportunity to work with Savanna. Savanna is our lead receptionist and she does a fabulous job of providing friendly and knowledgeable customer service. She is a great problem solver and will do what it takes to satisfy our clients. She handles a variety of front office duties and sets a high standard of performance. Congratulations Savanna!
Keanu – Our Hawaiian Clinic Kitty and Blood Donor
Last April Dr. Wexler-Mitchell participated in a spay/neuter clinic on the island of Kauai sponsored by Animal Balance (https://www.animalbalance.org). 140 cats were sterilized that day! It was an exhausting but very rewarding experience. Later that evening she met a friendly stray kitten looking for handouts at a shopping center in Poipu. He wasn’t neutered, and she was sad that the sterilization clinic was over since sterilization could help his chances for survival. He faced an uncertain future as one of hundreds of stray and feral cats on the island.Typically, once cats become adults, commercial areas in Hawaii consider them to be nuisances and try to get rid of them.Fortunately, Dr. WM couldn’t leave him behind and flew him to California with the help of a local Kauaian cat rescuer. It only took a couple of days for Keanu to acclimate to clinic life, and now he snuggles with our senior cat Zack and plays hard with young Oliver. He is very social and loves to be cuddled—if he knows you!Healthy, adult clinic cats serve as blood donors when we have patients in need. Ollie is type A, which is the blood type of about 90% of our patients. Keanu is type B, the rarer type, so he is even more special to us.
Dr. Wexler-Mitchell presented feline continuing ed to a group of Portland Oregon veterinarians last week. The program was titled, “Getting Cats Back in the Box.” Dr. WM said, “I truly enjoy sharing my knowledge and experience with other veterinarians.” |
Your Feedback Would Be Appreciated
We want to do our best to keep your kitty healthy and to provide you with exceptional customer service. Please help us improve your client experience by answering a quick survey. All answers and comments are 100% anonymous and confidential. Simply click the link below to get started. Thank you for your feedback!https://www.surveygizmo.com/s3/4684938/Customer-Satisfaction-Survey |
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Expert Loving Care… Just for Cats