Cat Books
by Dr. Elaine Wexler-Mitchell
Dr. Wexler-Mitchell has written three books and numerous magazine and newspaper articles on cats. She was a member of the panels that created the American Association of Feline Practitioners Feline Behavior Guidelines and the AAFP Diabetes Educational Toolkit. She is a respected speaker on feline medicine and behavior.

Cat Books
by Dr. Elaine Wexler-Mitchell
Dr. Wexler-Mitchell has written three books and numerous magazine and newspaper articles on cats. She was a member of the panels that created the American Association of Feline Practitioners Feline Behavior Guidelines and the AAFP Diabetes Educational Toolkit. She is a respected speaker on feline medicine and behavior.
Books About Cats

Ask The Vet
About Cats
Ask the Vet About Cats is a comprehensive manual to help pet owners care for their cats. It is published by Bow Tie Press, who also pubished Cat Fancy magazine.
The author draws from years of clinical experience to answer over 80 of the most commonly asked care questions. Spiral-bound for easy use, this manual helps readers become more aware of behavior, nutrition, lifestyle, and other health concerns relating to their pets.
Recommendations on how to properly care for pets at home versus when to seek veterinary care are given. Written for both new and experienced pet owners, this book emphasizes the importance of creating a strong, happy, and healthy relationship with your pet.

Guide To A
Healthy Cat
Guide to a Healthy Cat is the definitive guide to feline well-being. Dr. Elaine Wexler-Mitchell provides information about cat health, including vaccine recommendations, therapeutic diets, and treatments for kidney disease.
You’ll find everything you need to know about raising a kitten, feeding the finicky feline, grooming for good health, caring for a senior cat, and keeping peace in a multi-cat home.
From the scoop on litter boxes to the keys to feline mental health, this user-friendly guide is packed with plain-English explanations and advice to help keep your cat healthy.

The Complete Idiots
Guide To A Healthy Cat
You’re no idiot, of course, so you know that good cat care means more than just cleaning the litterbox. The Complete Idiot’s Guide to A Healthy Cat provides you with everything you need to know to keep your cat fit and healthy into its golden years.
You’ll learn about how to prepare your home for the arrival of your feline friend, how to detect signs of illness, and how to select a veterinarian who is right for you.
You’ll also get the low-down on vaccines, the special needs of kittens and adolescents, and a complete description of how your cat’s body works.